An adorable sweet looking ginger cherub! Damn, Harrys genes are STRONG! Ole Henry was the ginger the Tudors were well known redheads. Beautiful little girll.and thanks for sharing Kaiser , l think she looks like Megan with Harrys colouring , what a combination!!! A spokesperson for Prince Harry and Meghan said Sunday the couple welcomed their child Lilibet "Lili" Diana Mountbatten-Windsor at 11:40 a.m. Their daughter weighed in at 7 lbs, 11 oz. Shes a little doll, so completely cute. Shes such a cutie!!! I was expecting a photo of the Queen with the 2 Sussex children. "Her middle name, Diana, was chosen to honor her beloved late . I hate it! What a beautiful little one We close comments on older posts to fight comment spam. They thread that needle perfectly they didnt pull focus from the Queen or Charles andthey blanked the foul Brit media! All of her siblings, even her only brother who was the sole non-ginger went on to have children with red hair. Or one of them chooses to have hair like Grandma and they decide to wear dreads. Yes, I do see it! On Monday, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry shared a new photo of their daughter, who turned 1 on Saturday. Im in love. Shes beautiful in my eyes, but she has a look of her own that doesnt favor either side. So no big group portrait would have been taken during Trooping the Colour with all the kids. I was the only great-grandchild for a good decade and despite there now being five more I remain the only redhead. Our mission at STYLECASTER is to bring style to the people, and we only feature products we think youll love as much as we do. Her dress is cute too. Prince Charles has revealed how the birth of his youngest grandchild has reminded him of one of his lifelong passionseco-friendly cars. Lilibet, whose full name is Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor, is also named after Harry's beloved late mother, Princess Diana. Archie looks like both of them also. The press secretary said Lilibet was born Friday morning at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital in California, and weighed 7 lbs., 11 ounces. But Lili is Harry! I love this for him. They came from HIM. Lili also has Meghans mouth. Lilis so cute. 1:15. The irony is extremely pleasurable and imagining Will & Kate sh g their pants in envy, wrath and disarray will make my month. Shes a baby, as she gets older and the baby fat comes off, her face will change and shell look totally different. My FB feed (my neighbours) is full of Meghan had a Netflix microphone under her coat posts. Remember when Meghan was on Ellen and she said Lili was teething back then? Harry and Meghan remain incredibly touched by the countless birthday wishes for their daughter and theyre amazed that the Sussex supporters raised more than $100,000 for World Central Kitchen for Lilis birthday. Keeping fingers crossed that well get a pic of PH and the kids for fathers day..even if its a pic from the backof H & A sitting on their bench, with Baby Lili in Hs arms and all we see of her is her little hand or finger gripping her daddys finger. I dont know why, but I think its the cutest thing in the world when one kid takes after the dad and the other the mom. If you look at Meghan and Harrys toddlers pictures you will see Lilibet Diana looks like both of them. Shes going to be an absolute heartbreaker but with Meghan and Harry as parents she will be socially responsible, passionate, empathetic, well-educated and kind. 5:57. Achingly beautiful, but oh so sad. My great-grandmother? The comments are vicious! Misan Harriman; The Print Collector/Print Collector/Getty, Meghan Markle Debuts New Ring in Honor of Daughter Lilibet Diana at Polo Outing, Misan Harriman; Tim Graham Photo Library via Getty. Contact us directly at: #Lilibet margin-top: 10px; The Windsors had nothing to do with the ginger avenger factor. The Fail posted it along with about six other Sussex articles including one that called them irrelevant and that they went home in a huff. They didnt ask Misan to come take family pictures, they invited his family to celebrate with them. Cant wait to see Harry with the baby and all four of them together. She definitely would me, look at her, shes love . Thats for her kids only! I see Meghan in her features too, I think both kids are blends of both parents. Williams anxious racism lets the world know that the Windsors are FIRMLY ROOTED IN THE CONCEPT OF WHITE SUPREMACY. Both Harry and Meg have deep set eyes. I am beyond happy that this is Harry life. In my opinion, I feel like Archie has grown to favor Meghan. I think itll be fun to watch in future for the (very) few pictures we ever see of her and how she changes. A blue dress with smoking! What a cutie pie. Reminds me of those 70s pics for some reason. Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor was born at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital in Santa Barbara, California, on 4 June 2021 at 11: . What a cutie! Consisting of interviews and accounts with Harry and Meghans closest confidants, Finding Freedom is a must-read for any royal follower. Her friend and her children are gorgeous too. Both little redheads, so cute! Remember how just last week, they claimed Will and Harry were Skype buddies? Dies geschieht in Ihren Datenschutzeinstellungen. Meghans photo with Lili reminded me of how delicious it felt to hold my own daughter. Well he must look like both of them because l recently saw a picture of Diana holding Harry and it was like an exact replica of Archie in South Africa, the eyes especially. "The Duke spoke with his family in advance of the announcement, in fact his grandmother was the first family member he called. I actually think Archie looks a lot like Meghan, he is a nice split between Harry and Meghan. Is it too soon to ask for another little Sussex? ^^ I agree @PrincessK. Both are in the genes. it came from the grandparents. Queen Elizabeth celebrated more than one important milestone over the weekend! I dont want to hear NOBODY questioning her paternity EVER. Since we know that Harry and Meghan were being super careful re: paparazzi and such, is there any chance that the kids came later in another car? Had so much FUN! <3. (I say this as a mother of a ginger who also got blamed until his hair got darker and girls were complimenting him all the time, LOL). why would they? Shes the image of her Dad at that age. They look distinctly of that royal and aristocratic lineage. I will say that Harrys Spencer genes are strong as hell! They may have taken such a photo to distribute among the various families. <3. Was Mallory Beach Ever Found? Lilis eyes are also deep set. My great-grandmother (my maternal grandmothers mother) was one of seven children, six of whom had red hair, herself included. They are so in love with her, and shes absolutely beautiful. They were real it turned out! Sussex Squad raised well over $100k for WCK in honor of Archie and Lilis birthdays. Oh my goodness another redhead! It didnt have to be that way. I feel you Lyli. Lilibet Diana turned 1 year old, Meghan and Harry shared. Its just the eyes that are perplexing, lol! etc. But they get blamed for constantly talking. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex's daughter was born on 4 June 2021 at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital in California, with the couple announcing her birth two days later. @Eulalia, cherub is the word. Fr nhere Informationen zur Nutzung Ihrer Daten lesen Sie bitte unsere Datenschutzerklrung und Cookie-Richtlinie. ^^ Yes @Mia1066, that happens a lot. SO freaking cute. We close comments on older posts to fight comment spam. Meg has the red hair gene, via her father. ! No. It's official: Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor is a ginger. In a bit of irony, my brothers look like my mothers mother. But looking at individual features, you will see Markle/Ragland traits. Then I ran here. That sounds like the sugary bull crap she tries to peddle. I guess I can see the e Harry resemblance in the picture with her mom, but in the one outside all I could see was her namesake the Queen! Shes cute now, and shell be a beauty. "They are so in love with her, and she's absolutely beautiful. She is a gift from heaven. discussions about the color of their . Meghan and Harry confirmed her birth in a statement on June 6. What a precious little girl. Hope a photo of Lilli with the Queen would be released. As for sweet Lili Diana, she is absolutely gorgeous! Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor is celebrating her first birthday with an adorable selfie. Charles doesnt deserve to be grandfather to these beautiful children. Yes, she does seem to look more like Harry than Archie but I see a beautiful combination of both parents. Shes adorable! Shes a cross between Harry and Meghan., Lilibet, whose full name is Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor, was born on Friday, June 4, 2021. US Weekly did not talk to anybody who has any idea whatsoever what that newborn looks like, but at least their bland, pleasant fanfiction is bland and sweet. Lilibets nickname, Lili, is also a nod to Meghans mom, Doria Ragland, who used to call her daughter, Flower, when she was younger, according to a past post on Meghans blog, The Tig. Khate and baldi were behind a vicious campaign against meghan. Meghan looks really happy She appears to be very at ease as a mom. I always do a check in a picture to make sure im right about which kid it is lol. @geekish1 I might be wrong, but I thought you needed the ginger gene on both sides (can someone confirm?) The important thing is that Harry is a very kind soul, with oodles of charisma and heart simply exuding from within. Look at her beautiful smile and that cute little bow in her hair. Genetics are just so interesting. as party guests. And as Ive said, ad nauseam, Harry and Meghan are 17th cousins via her fathers mothers ancestral line going all the way back to 1300s King Edward III (whose wife, btw, was a brown-skinned, brown-haired, brown-eyed woman, Philippa of Hainault). My kids are mixed and are very light skinned, like my DNA was asleep on skin tone, so totally get it. Right now, all I see is HMTQ. Note by Celebitchy: Sign up for our mailing list and get the top 8 stories about the ridiculous controversy over Lilibet Dianas name! The world is so upside-down and backwards. I wonder if everyone jumps to the conclusion that Lili is a mini Harry just because of her coloring. Both mother and child are healthy and well, and settling in at home. A lot of my friends have kids in their teens, and its kind of fascinating how fast they change, and how they go from looking like one parent to another. They want people to think that the Sussexes are constantly leaking info. They start to look more distinct at around 4-6 months. It varies. The photo was taken during a casual, intimate backyard picnic at Frogmore Cottage to celebrate the birthday with close friends and family. Lol US Weekly couldnt even bother to get the name right. It really was them asking what will their skin tone be?. My baby son was the traditional notion of attractive (to my shallow, looks obsessed parents) and then my daughter came along. Gorgeous baby. Many well wishes Sussexes and welcome back home! 4:29. Thats what I was thinking. Oh my goodness she is just the absolute most adorable. Agreed. Yup. How silly, ignorant and mean-spirited the Windsors are/were! Both Archie & Lili have the shape of Dianas eyes. #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { I thought the same thing. A very blonde Danish classmate of mine from uni married a very dark-haired Dutch man. She is absolutely precious. } My son got my ginger genes and holds me responsible for making me look like Ronald McDonald, Mom! Lol. Was it Katie know nothing Nicholl who was claiming that they had been in contact? Yes! My theory was that they would allow perhaps one photo with Archie, Lilibet and the Queen to be released by Buckingham Palace. The photo was probably released to a PA. } I wonder what Lili and Archie will grow up looking like which parent more. But she supposedly draws the line at one taken by someone for H&M? Prediction: BP will be releasing a picture with Betty and all the great grand kids. Prince Charles major loss that he did not get a picture with her and Archie and tweeted them out. June 6, 2021. The Prince of Wales paid a surprise tribute to Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's daughter, Lilibet 'Lili' Diana Mountbatten-Windsor, on a visit to the MINI Plant in Oxford on Tuesday. One of mine has remained the same face wise and my oldest has changed throughout the years. I bet lili has him wrapped completely around her fingers. The source is the writer of the article. . The kids have DNA from both parents lol. As my granny used to say your like yourself !! Lilibet, whose full name is Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor, was born on Friday, June 4, 2021. Thats part of why it was so insulting. The photo of Diana in yellow holding baby Harry makes me want to weep for Diana. Anyone else think this is a hell of a flex? Remember how mad he was when Harry was born because he has red hair? They lie all the time. The boy is roundly praised and admired, and as they walk home, Wang Lung begins to fret that the spirits might hear all the praise and come to snatch his child. My sisters and I look nothing like our parents, but were the living image of our fathers mother. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, aka Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, on Thursday shared the first image of their daughter, Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor, in a family portrait featured on their official Christmas card. most importantly shes healthy and loved and safe and adorable! border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; ^^ Yep guys. She is adorable and yeah the Harry genes are strong in the Sussex children. , It will be so cool if Augie and Lili grow up to be as close as Eugenie and Harry. They were salivating for a pic of Lili to profit from it. Remember Charles acute disappointment when Harry was born, Oh, hes a boy. The UK media has no idea of any photos were taken of the kids with the queen. . ^^ @Dawning and @mia girl, this appears to be what many of us would like to see. I remember when US Weekly or People was reporting that Archie had a full head of hair when in actuality he was bald. Im surprised we got such a clear photo of her face because it seems like we havent seen one of Archie in so long. @SkittleBrau: Ugh. Its rather a good thing that neither Archie nor Lili take after any of the Windsors. The Sun 's source also revealed that Lilibet Diana got to meet her great-grandmother the queen on this visit, as well as some of her royal second cousins. Even if a family group photo never gets released to the public, Im still hoping that they took a few. Pia Peterson BuzzFeed News Photo Editor Henry VIII (8th not 13th, not XIII) he was indeed a redhead and he passed that trait down to Elizabeth I. But if Lilibet Diana looks like a good mix between the two of them, thats fabulous!! Im guessing Lili looks more like Harry/Lady Sarah McCorqudale. Theyre both adorable. Lilibet was the childhood nickname of the Queen that was affectionately used by her parents King George VI and the Queen Mother. A new photo released of Lilibet-Diana has got royal fans torn over who Lilibet looks most like - dad Prince Harry or mum Meghan Markle. Reminder: Sources previously told the Daily Mail that Prince Harry made his "intentions clear" regarding Lilibet's christening during his trip home to England for Princess Diana's statue . That was so impressive! While I think they agreed about Williams name, Diana and Charles had a big fight over Harrys name. The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are wearing jeans in the image taken this summer by Alexi Lubomirski at their home in Santa Barbara,. A colleague of mine is multiracial (Mostly Irish mom, mostly Black dad.) Key Facts Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor was born Friday at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital in Santa Barbara, California, near the couple's home in Montecito. Meanwhile Baby Lili is breaking the internet. No kidding. Only one has a bit of olive-toned, golden-toned skin. width: 33%; ), *Never forget Kates distant demeanour, to new mum Meghan & baby Archie, at that polo match*. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Sign up for our free Royals newsletter to get the latest updates on Kate Middleton, Meghan Markle and more! She is such a sweetie, omg!!!! Sun reporter Matt Wilkinson snottily tweets that H&M private photographer was banned from photographing Lili meeting TQ and his linked story is still running Sussex Christmas family pix, guess they havent wrangled rights for the newer pix, unlike ENews, THR, ITV and ET Canada. They went where they were told to go? The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have addressed recent speculation about the date and location of Lilibet Diana's christening. I can only tell mine apart in pictures based on environment we lived in a different house when my oldest was born, and he was born in May and the other in November, so even being outside looked different. Her full name . TODAY!Meghan has posted the first official photo of Lilibet as she marks this first major milestone. I want to selfishly ask for more pictures to see these precious kiddos but also, mad respect for keeping their kids private and only sharing what they want the world to see and when they want us to see them. She is more than we could have ever imagined, and we remain grateful for the love and prayers weve felt from across the globe. Harry and Meghan are so lucky to have Archie and Lili. margin-left: 0; Hair and everything else did favor Harrys baby pic. In addition to her Platinum Jubilee celebrations, her great-granddaughter and namesake Lilibet marked her first birthday. Alex Murdaughs Son Who Is Madelyn Cline Dating Now? Wow. Buckingham palace will probably release a family photo of the queen and we would have lilys photo. I want to hug those cheeks and cuddle her. ^@AMD: Otherwise its been an absolute takeover by those Spencer genes.. But I guess they werent intelligent enough to understand basic genetics. Just lovely. Margaret is my joy." I highly doubt the party was crumbs but rather the people they ACTUALLY wanted there to celebrate with them. @Linny, it doesnt look like she has her complete set of baby teeth yet(which is 20). Aug. 5, 2021. Im laughing bc no one who has seen that baby is talking to Us Weekly. For Lilibets firstbirthday, Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan invited close friends and family for an "intimate backyard picnic" at Frogmore Cottage, Windsor on Saturday. Its pretty gross and I hope it wouldnt happen today (that was over 20 years ago). So he calls out in a loud voice, What a pity my son is weak and malformed and ugly! Perhaps for CHristmas. Harrys genes are strong. But yeah, carry speaking about the nitty gritty aspects of what we all tend to gloss over, because of the perpetrated confusion surrounding skin color. Skin color actually means very little when there is so much variation across ethnic groups (largely due to geography and environment in ancient times). She was. As soon as the photo was posted I went and donated to WC Kitchen. She has some features of TQ and Charlotte. And kudos to Meghan for such a natural pic. Lilibet, whose full name is Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor, is also named after Harry's beloved late mother, Princess Diana. Healthy, happy, loved and precious. No-uh. So many people claim the Sussexes are always in the media and blame them for it when the vast majority of articles are pure speculation. Also Id take the Spencer genes any day of the Windsor ones. The couple announced in a statement Sunday that their. THATs whats bothering the royal rats and the vipers within the palaces. These photos literally just blew the Cambridge children completely off the news cycle. I havent had my caffeine yet. But I think M&H have made it pretty clear that they arent planning to have more children. So many derangers still see Lili and Archie as a mud race or half-caste. I come from a long line of mostly redheads at some point in life, but an entire family of blue eyed people. Second, red hair and blue eyes are not that uncommon, at least in my family. @Snuffles: Lili is Harry! Meghan Markle and Prince Harry shared the first photo of their daughter, Lilibet "Lili" Diana, as part of their 2021 Christmas card, released six months after the birth of their second child . Was expecting a photo to distribute among the various families and lilibet diana skin color her perplexing, lol if Lilibet looks... Up looking like which parent more US would like to see Harry with Queen! When Meghan was on Ellen and she & # x27 ; s christening a. 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